Monday, November 14, 2011

The Importance of PAWpose

Mom and dad, Charmaine and Chris, often get asked if my behaviour has improved since I got a job. I can tell you from my PAWspective, it has made all the difference! When I first came to live with mom and dad it took me quite a while to get settled in. I would PAW around the house just trying to get familiar with my new home. There was also some uncertainty about it being my new FURever home. After all, I had just left two other homes, one that I really thought I would never leave, and then the foster home. I had to be sure it was FUR real. Of course, when I realized it was, I got VERY comfortable. But, that comfort brought anxiety too. Where was my place in this new home? What did they expect of me as their new FURiend? What could I do to help make their lives better? So, I started rearranging the furniture and reorganizing the closets. When I got bored of that and there was nothing else to do, I started my rounds and usually wound up locking myself in the bathroom somehow.

Have you ever felt like that? You find yourself in a situation and know that there should be something you can do but you can't figure out what it is. You feel almost lost. Mom and dad helped me find the solution to that. They got me a job! It always feels so PAWsome when I first walk into the hospital and everyone there knows me and says hello. I always say hello back, it's only PAWlite you know. When I am playing with the patients we are all so happy to be spending that time together. I miss them so much when I am away but, I have other jobs to do now too. Like PAWdographing books, personal appearances, greeting children and, of course, events. I'm not PAWfect, there are still days I feel restless and do silly things but, having a job has definitely helped me to be the dog I need to be!

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